Same as You are used to versioning your source code, you can now version data. The adoption of machine learning and AI is boosting the data versioning trend. In machine learning, outputs are defined not only by the code but also by the training data, so we also need to version the data. Machine learning model files often take hundreds of megabytes of space - a hundred times their source code.
Why To Version Data
For the same reason as we version code:
- collaborate within team
- be able to revert to previous state
- review changes for e.g., debugging reasons
What Data To Version?
- training data in machine learning
- trained models in machine learning
- assets - in some industries large file assets are needed
Versioning Data from Python Using Quilt
Quilt allows you to version individual files as well as entire folders as “packages” using Python methods in AWS S3 storage.
For example, you can use it to version a single CSV dataset file, or a folder containing model files.
The files and their versioning information lives in AWS’s cloud storage S3.
You then reference specific package versions by the package name and top_hash
parameter which represents hash of all files that are part of the package.
Example Usage of Quilt
You can try Quilt for yourself following instructions in this section.
- Install Quilt:
pip install quilt3
- Create your S3 bucket e.g.
. - Turn on S3 versioning (see Quilt Uses S3 Versioning)
Let say we have a local folder where we’d like to store local copies, s3 bucket, and a single file to version.
LOCAL_FOLDER = './quilt_test/'
S3_BUCKET = 'my-quilt-test'
FILENAME = 'file1.csv'
Unit of storage in Quilt is a package. Each package has a name. Unfortunately the allowed package names are quite limited. Each name has to be two alphanumeric strings separated by a slash.
PKG_NAME = 'test/quilt_test'
So let’s create some testing dataset CSV using Pandas. Pass set it into a Quilt package.
pd.DataFrame(dict(col1=[0, 1, 2]).to_csv(LOCAL_FOLDER + FILENAME)
p = quilt3.Package()
And push it to the remote S3. After that, let’s store the package hash.
HASH = p.top_hash
Now we can download the data referring to their specific hash version via top_hash
quilt3.Package.install(PKG_NAME, registry=S3_BUCKET, top_hash=HASH, dest=LOCAL_FOLDER)
If you already have the same version on local machine, Quilt doesn’t seem to download the files again. It doesn’t tell you that directly in default logging setup, but the download speed is unrealistically fast.
Quilt Uses S3 Versioning
Quilt versioning silently failed me, when I didn’t have S3 versioning enabled my bucket. It was downloading the latest versions of all files regardless of the hash without warning. I also haven’t found any good documentation on this on Quilt website. To enable S3 versioning later, I had to clear my local cache like so:
rm -r ~/.cache/Quilt
rm -r ~/.local/share/Quilt/packages/.quilt
I recommend to make sure you have your S3 versioning on.
Review Verdict
Apart from the initial versioning hick-up, Quilt data works so far very well for me. Good luck and see you next time!